Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday: Time, Time, Time...

It's Wishcasting Wednesday, my friends!  It's a dreary day here in New Jersey, but there is a nice breeze outside and I'm alive and well.  Can't really complain.

For those new to wishcasting wednesday, let me use Jamie's own words:  Wishcasting Wednesday is a safe haven for wishes, a fertile field in which to plant wish seeds and have them witnessed and tended lovingly. It’s a place where magic begins.

This week's Wishcasting:  How do you wish to spend some time?

I think the universe is involved in the creation of these questions because it always seems to come up at a time when I'm pondering the thoughts already or feeling the need/loss of something in my life that pertains what we're asked.

Time is a funny thing once you're an adult.  It starts to fly by at lightening speed and some days it's all you can do to keep up, and so many people end up living lives full of what if?  I don't want to be that person.  I feel strongly that my mother spent a large portion of her life (or the time that I knew her) living like that. She was unhappy and put everything/everyone before herself, and when she passed away last year, I was not only sad for myself, but sad for her.  I felt like she deserved more happiness than she allowed to manifest. 

And while time does move faster as we get older, or we just become more aware of it, I believe that time doesn't have to control us or our choices.  It's easy to get caught up in that idea - don't have the time to write today and get the laundry done or I can't take an hour to create and be there for the people in my life - and Lordy knows, I do it myself.  But the truth is, almost every day, we make a conscious choice on how we are going to spend our time.  There are responsibilities and events that have to be worked around sometimes, and while we might not have any say in how much time we are given, we do have a say in how we spend our now. 

My wish is that I can spend my time appreciating the now and allowing myself not to feel guilty for putting myself first.  I want to continue to trust that the universe is working with me and be happy with my time, whether it's writing, reading, or working out.


LissaL said...

I appreciated your post more than you could possibly know. As Mare wishes for herself, so I wish also.

foxysue said...

Well said, making concious choices for how we spend time is so important!

I'm wishing you all you wish for yourself.

Ruth said...

Lovely post. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.

Ceanne said...

So true - " the universe is involved in the creation of these questions because it always seems to come up at a time when I'm pondering the thoughts already".

As Mare wishes for herself, I also wish for her!

keishua said...

As you wish, I wish for you, too.
I hope that you have many moments/days of spending time with you.

Unknown said...

Everything you wrote really resonated with me- thank you. It's so hard to disengage with "I should..." and instead choose "I WANT...", especially when it comes to using our time.

As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

Definately the universe is involved with the questions. As Mare wishes for herself, so I wish for you also.

Biomouse said...

I truly believe the Universe in all it's being is working with you. As Mare wishes for herself, so I wish for her.

Unknown said...

Cheers to that! As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also!