Thursday, May 27, 2010


I'm trying to put my gratitude and positivity out into the universe.  Even on my very bad days, which I've been having a few of lately, I have moments of clarity where I realize how fortunate I am in many ways.  Every person faces hardships and in the scheme of things, I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and a job with health benefits.   A lot of the time, I take that for granted.  A lot of the time, I don't let the universe know that I'm grateful.

Universe, thank you.

Also, I must thank Coupon Mom for the giveaway win of $125.00 dollars!  It came at just the right time, after my car had to go into the shop.  I'm very grateful.  And everyone should check the site out, especially if you're pinching pennies.  The site is full of coupons and samples.  As someone who has recently begun coupon-clipping, it's a great asset.

1 comment:

Together We Save said...

I am so glad I found you. I hope you will stop by my blog if you like pinching pennies... I have lots of way to do that.