Sunday, May 9, 2010

Book Review: Such a Pretty Fat by Jen Lancaster

Awhile ago I discovered Jen Lancaster's blog, Jennsylvania, and immediately loved her style of writing.  I looked through her list of books written and decided to give it a try.  Luckily, my library (everybody support your libraries!), carries her books and I was able to put a few of them on hold.

Title: Such a Pretty Fat: One Narcissist's Quest to Discover if Her Life Makes Her Ass Look Big, or Why Pie is Not the Answer by Jen Lancaster

Summary:  Personal Training, Session One: I'm standing at the front desk, waiting for the mythical "Barbie" to appear. While I was sucking down water and aspirin earlier today, trying to shed my hangover, I started thinking about how judgmental I can be. I mean, why should I have instantly freaked out when I heard someone named Barbie was going to be my trainer? Sure, the name brings up images of gorgeous girls with long blonde hair, shiny white teeth, deep tans, and impossible-to-achieve, completely enviable figures, but maybe this Barbie is different.

My Review:  As someone who has been on a quest over the past year to come to terms with her own weight issues, I decided to start with this book. It's not a weight loss guide, by any means, nor does she claim it to be anything more than her own journey, but if you're someone who has tried to lose weight (be it ten pounds or fifty pounds), you can relate to her own feelings and experiences.  It reads like a conversation with a friend, who understands what the whole process is like. It's written in a funny, sardonic voice that I adored and I couldn't help but relate to her woes of working out, the ability to talk yourself into "one little cheat" and realizing that most of the diets out there want you to be afraid of food for no good reason.

Some might not relate to the weight loss portion, but it's intermixed with pop culture, funny conversations, and trying to live life and attempt to be healthier.   I enjoyed it. 

Overall: 4 stars

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