Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Writing Progress - 18 days in...

Since January 1st, I have made my writing goal of 250 words a day.  There were a few days where I managed a lot more words, even finished a story or two, but mostly, I'm just aiming to make my goal and writing for at least 30 minutes a day.  I know to a lot of people that's not a lot, but getting back into the habit of this and making room for it along with my other obligations including working out, chores around house, etc, has meant that I just need to allot a certain amount of time. 

It's been hard some days, like pulling teeth to get any words out, let alone decent words, but I'm also trying not to worry so much about the quality in the first draft.  I don't want it to completely suck, but it's so easy for me to get caught up in trying to perfect one paragraph that I accomplish nothing else.


Aside from that, I'm reading, but not as quickly as normal.  Partly because I was attempting to read George W. Bush's book, which made me want to cry from boredom and anger at various moments and I've been trying to see all the possible Oscar movies and rediscovered the show Fringe and have been watching that from season one to present.  I'm sure, at some point, JJ will mess this up as he does all of his shows I have loved - Alias, Lost - but for now, I shall enjoy it.  Plus, Joshua Jackson with scruff?  Not sure one can go wrong there.

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